In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the Amendments (ADAA) along with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, specifically Section 504 (part E) and Section 508, the Student Disability Resource Center works with students to develop an accommodation plan for physical, psychological, learning or mental impairments that substantially limits a major life function. Students are responsible for identifying themselves to the Student Disability Resource Center and providing appropriate documentation. Accommodations are based on the disability, the needs of the student and the course requirements.
Our job is to see that everyone has an equal opportunity for a successful college experience. We work with you to deliver needed resources and support to help you meet your goals.
Greenville Technical College is committed to providing an accessible community to students, faculty, staff as well as visitors. The college will continue to strive to ensure equal access to all individuals with disabilities.
If you find issues that affect accessibility, please let us know by completing the Accessibility Barrier Reporting Form.
If you need immediate assistance or have difficulty completing the form, please contact the Student Disability Resource Center, at 864-250-8202 or by email at
Any enrolled student at Greenville Technical College who has a documented disability that impacts the educational environment is eligible for services from the Student Disability Resource Center. Students must provide this documentation at their own cost and effort. The office reserves the right to deny services or accommodations until such time as the appropriate documentation is provided. The actual services that will be provided are determined based on the nature and severity of the disability and the course requirements in consultation with the student, the counselor, and academic faculty.
Services are available to students who have disabilities including, but not limited to, blindness, visual impairments, deafness, hearing impairments, learning disabilities, physical disabilities, chronic illnesses, head and spinal cord injuries, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, and psychological disabilities.
Learn more about accommodations, support services and documentation requirements »
Greenville Technical College provides faculty and staff with extensive training in student disability services to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for students with disabilities.
Beginning at New Faculty and Staff Orientation, the legal obligations of the college to students with disabilities are outlined along with the support and services available to assist with appropriate accommodations.
Ongoing training and support are provided through the Professional Development program at the college. Periodic sessions on specific topics are offered including: Providing Appropriate Classroom Accommodations for Students with a diagnosed disability, Working with Students with Hearing Loss and How to work with and Interpreter, as well as Emerging Trends in Assistive Technology.
Departmental trainings are developed to address specific issues related to providing program accessibility in academic areas and individual programs. Effective ways to include and accommodate students are discussed, and faculty are provided with the support needed to enhance the success of each student.
New students must complete an Intake with the Student Disability Resource Center in person at the Barton Campus, as a first step. New students completing an intake should bring the following: Documentation, picture ID, and Social Security #
Returning students who have already registered with the Student Disability Resource Center should call or come by the office to arrange for accommodations as needed each semester.
Testing Coordinator
Louisa Wickline
Administrative Specialist
Brittany Presley
Office location:
Student Center (Bldg 105), room 113
Barton Campus
Appointments are also available at the Brashier, Benson, and Northwest campuses.
Call 864-250-8202